Saturday, November 1, 2008

One Dog Happy, One Bob Happy

Molly McNett is one of the coolest and funniest people that I know. I went to school with her 140 years ago, yet she has maintained her girlish charm, presumedly. I haven't seen her since ISU days, but we have rekindled an email relationship (not THAT kind of relationship, perv!), and she's as delightful as she always was. The only difference is that she's now published! Well, that, and she has kids and a husband. Probably a mortgage, too. I'm not sure about that last one.

Molly is going to be at kgb Bar November 16th at 7pm to be doing a reading/signing from her BRAND NEW BOOK! Wanna go? 'Cause I'm definitely gonna be there!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey thanks, Bob.
I'm working on the girlish charm part. I'll be oozing that by November 16. Thanks for the plug.

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New York, NY, United States
on a quest to expand my horizons
