I thought it would be a good idea to pick up some of those cereal bars to munch on when I get a hankering, which I figured to be better for me and more economical (thanks Wall Street!) than the normal 1 pint of Hagen Dazs I eat as a nightcap. And, incidentally, Hagen Dazs has some nerve listing those tiny little pints as servings for 4!! The (lack of) nutritional value listed on the side doesn't look so horribly bad until you multply it by 4, and then, OH MY GOD!!! I can eat no fat until 2023 to make up for all the Hagen Dazs I have ingested. Maybe then I'll catch up to my suggested intake. And how is it that I'm struggling to gain weight? I'm not the only one downing one of those Hagen Dazs at a time, am I? One of these days I 'm gonna regret it, I suspect. Hubris can't be pretty.
So the cereal bars: they taste a whole lot better slathered in peanut butter. Yeah, like you've never done it.
How's that Bush thing going? Is it like he's Snidely Whiplash twirling his pencil moustache between his fingers while he thinks of some evil shenanigans to get his grubby cloven hooves into? Now he wants to KILL ENDANGERED SPECIES!!!! It's so true.
Here's the headline: Bush set to relax endangered species rules
And the way he wants to relax the rules is to no longer have the scientists or biologists have any input into projects that disturb the ecosystem, i.e. every building project. Instead, the builders or those funding the building themselves will determine if their project will effect wildlife. That's like having the tobacco companies determine the carcinogen level of cigarettes! Oh, wait....
Is it just me or is this just evil? And notice how he's doing this as a lame duck. Is he just clearing his way to his future plans in the business? Why would he wait til now? Because he is also eliminating the requirement that greenhouse gasses emitted from the building be assessed as to their effect on wildlife. And we know Bush luuuvs his oil drilling! He's not very good at it, but he loves to do it.
And the Interior Department is working like mad to get this done by the Friday deadline. So here I am thinking that the Interior Department should be an advocate of the interior.
I've been perusing the news channels on the TV to see what their two cents are on this. Network news - nothing. MSNBC - nothing. CNBC - nothing. Fox - I dunno. Like I'm gonna watch Fox.
This is major news!!!! Bush wants to kill sea turtles and robins! For God's sake, somebody do something! Pelosi says that she will do everything she can to prevent this:
The House, in consultation with the incoming administration and relevant committees, will review what oversight tools are at our disposal regarding this and other last minute attempts to inflict severe damage to the law in the waning moments of the Bush administration.
Yeah, Nancy. By all means, review your tools!! She never said she was gonna do anything about it, but she's all about reviewing her tools.
Review this.

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