Obviously, I consider myself pretty well informed and able to discuss contemporary matters fairly lucidly. However, I remained pretty ignorant about Proposition 8 until the day of the election. Last night I went to a peaceful protest/march to oppose the passage of Proposition 8, and I overheard a guy being interviewed and he was talking about how the majority of black voters voted for Prop 8.
I didn't believe him. 'Why would a group that fought for their own civil rights so dutifully and vigilantly oppose someone else's civil rights?' I thought.
Now let me pre-empt my rant here for a brief moment. While I fancy myself a militant gay, I don't want to get married. 'Marriage' is a label defined by straight Christian values, of which none I have. I don't need society's label to identify or define my relationship with another man so teeny weeny minds can wrap themselves around my own personal committed relationship. Screw you! I can have my committed relationship on my own terms without you sticking your fat face into my business, so thank you for your interest, but fuck off and keep your cute little labels with your feast in your dining room, and let me have my stale-assed crumbs in the goddammed corner of the kitchen! Jeez!
That being said, if anyone gay or lesbian wants to assimilate and dream of passing as a straight couple, power to 'em. No skin off my nose.
Oh, wait - that's not the real beef I have. 70% of black voters chose to dis-allow gay couples to enter a legal committed relationship. 70%! That's 7 out of 10. Here I am, like most gay Americans, thanking the stars above that we have come to a point where a black man (although he is as much white as he is black - that's a whole new subject. When we get a dark-skinned gay female named Kenyatta Mbodgeckilou as president, or any federal elected position, then I'll say that discrimination has ended.) can be my president, and the same group that turned out to vote in record numbers to say 'this is my country, too, and I no longer accept the current socio-political values as my values' also decided that civil rights ALREADY in place should be rescinded. This is a huge problem. What are they thinking?! Apparently, all these black churches came out and said that gay marriage is awful, and the congregations listened. And also, polls show that African American women were making a statement to all the black men on the 'down-low' that their women ain't gonna take it no mo'. How this prevents their men from getting ass-plowed, I'm not sure.
It wasn't too long ago when a black man wasn't allowed to marry a fat white chick or a Japanese girl. Now, they can marry all big-assed white chicks or Asian tangs they want, thanks to me, basically. And now, they got the nerve to say that they don't approve of MY relationships? Guess what? I no longer approve of your relationships! I hereby shun and no longer recognize all straight interracial couples. I don't believe they are good for my family values, so I shun them.
But only the interracial California couples. I got some good people here that are interracial - I got their backs.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
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1 comment:
How powerful! Let me preface this by saying I adore you and I love your blog. How-e-ver (and please imagine me doing the neck roll when I say this because believe that I am) you have absolutely no right to pass judgement on the black people in america because of the voters in one state. White people kill me, you watch a few videos and read some books about the brothers and sisters getting lynched and water hosed in the south and you really feel as though you have a clue. That history for you is in a textbook. For me it's in my great aunt Della's house. She was there, drinking from the colored only fountains and passing by the diner's she wasn't allowed to eat in. The topic of discrimination is our (black people) past and present. It is a discussion I will have with my children when they wonder why daddy gets pulled over for no reason.
So about prop 8. Leave it up to the white media to point out the fact that the majority of the black voters upheld prop 8 as if to say, "see, blacks don't like gays either." Epiphany: people will stand with a group they don't really like in order to attack the groups they dislike a little more.
To be the fair person I know you to be, don't you think you should mention that black voters made up only 10% of those who voted on prop 8. So if 100% of them would have voted against prop 8, it would not have made a bit of difference in the outcome, only the news story. This 10% of (likely religious)brothers and sisters do not represent the overall opinion of black people in America. I have gay friends and family memebers I would just as happily throw rice on as my straight buddies.
We all (blacks and gays) have suffered tremendous struggle but they are not the same. At the end of the day, you can walk down the street hand in hand with a woman and receive all the advantages of being white in america. I can't hide or pretend who I am. not that i want to but the point is that there are a lot of high-profile people who have carried the closet all the way to the top and left you behind. Black people (even the ones who have white mamas, don't fucking try to claim Barack now!! because back in the day all you needed was a drop of blood to be certified grade A negro)have had to bear their stuggles head on because we had no choice.
Finally in the spirit of fairness, i'm gonna let that "we ain't takin it no mo'" shit slide because i do talk with the lisp when paraphrasing gay people sometimes.
Okay, neck is getting tired. I love you still and I hope we all get the rights we are all entitled to. Keep the dream alive!
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