Thursday, October 30, 2008

Horrible Dreams

How many people think that this election is not in the process of being stolen? Well, it is. Already we're seeing early voting is being manipulated.

So this guy in Virginia, Calvin Thomas , goes into the voting booth to cast his vote for Sen. Obama. Guess what happened: the electronic voting machine cast his vote for McCain!!! Well, he immediately went out to the poll worker and she says, "Oh, it's been doing that. Just hit it again." So, after hitting it again, it still registers his vote for McCain. And again. Finally, after "several attempts," the machine lit up for Obama. AFTER SEVERAL ATTEMPTS!!!! And then,do you know what happened? His daughter went into a different booth to vote. If you can't guess what happened, read the previous scenario and replace 'he' with 'she.' What the hell?!?!? And if it's 'been doing that,' as the poll worker said, why aren't any McCain supporters complaining of this very same thing? Pardon my French, but this is totally fucked. Totally totally totally totally fucked.

So now let's talk about those miraculous voting machines, introduced when (wait for it....) Bush was running for office. Diebold.

'But we aren't using Diebold machines this time,' you say? No, we aren't. We're using Premiere, because Diebold was too controversial. Newsflash: Diebold changed its name to Premiere after receiving tons of negative publicity from the last election! It IS Diebold!!

And do you know who the Chairman of the board for Diebold is? "Wally" O'Dell, a major contributor to the Republican party and frequent guest to the Crawford Ranch. He's also the guy that wrote a memo to Bush, stating his desire "to help Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the President." In reference to W. Bush, duh.

Am I the only one here that's peeing my pants? This has got to be in Revelations somewhere!

Deep breaths.


S said...

It's due to Diebold (er, Premiere) that Gore isn't your president now. BTW, it's the Book of Revelation- not REVELATIONS. If you had done your homework on the the "anti-Christ" you would know that.
From here on out, I would recommend Depends.

S said...

BY THE WAY, I went to vote early in our county courthouse only to find a HUGE line! This was on Thursday afternoon (the last day to vote early here in IL) I had about 45 minutes between commitments, so I thought I'd pop on in. On normal election Tuesdays, I have been lonely in our polling place; usually 1 or 2 other voters in at the same time. But vote early here, people were sitting in folding chairs reading novels. By CROWDED, I mean 12-15 people, but OMG, here in my little town???!!! Crazy. So I will be casting my ballot with the masses on Tuesday. Also, our county is very Republican. They're peeing their pants, too, I think. But that's typical behavior for rednecks and derelicts.

trying to begoode said...

re: RevelstionS

It was YOU that jumped to the conclusion I was referring to the Bible. Maybe I was talking about something else.

I maintain my original statement.

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New York, NY, United States
on a quest to expand my horizons
