Thursday, February 5, 2009

Trying to begoode? No, trying to BeGOAD!

I haven't been writing much recently- not that I'm not thinking about you. My computer really needs a doctor, and until he gets a checkup, I never know if it's going to have a stroke midstream. Little frustrating. Understatement.

I did get a chance to meet a seemingly charming podunk from Missouri online. You can read his comments to me on my previous post. Sort of a bunch of non-sequiturs, unless you know the background. I suspect he doesn't even know the background. Idiot.

So I was just surfing through some fellow bloggers and read some entries and happen to find a particular entry with added comments by JHitts. He had some rather obnoxious neo-naziesque additions to put on to someone else's blog. I can't even remember what it was he said, but at the time it was ENRAGING! And really important that I let him know. Not sure why now.

SO, I tracked down his own blog site, and he had done some rather infantile music reviews of some groups that I had never heard of before, as they never recorded a cast album. And so I innocently commented on his entry that his writings are that of an illiterate Midwestern inbred swastika-wearing lamb-humping backwoods maleducado.

AND THEN he had the nerve to put some stupid comment on my blog! And it wasn't even in response to my blog! But he corrected me -- he's a self-proclaimed Libertarian, not a Republican, as I accused him of. Pardon-ay moi! The only difference between a Libertarian and a Republican is that Libertarians are scarier. And stupider.

But why did I even go there in the first place? I DID start it, after all. I could have lived in total anonymity and left this trash alone. But I didn't. And so now this JHitts guy (probably a gun carrier, for Christsakes!) has me on his radar.

I think horrible is a really bad thing to call someone. Don't you find it a little more lucid than calling someone something more typical, like ass or bitch?

This lady cut in front of me at the deli the other day and made a huge scene by holding the line up while deciding which 4 of the 17 yogurts to buy she grabbed from the cooler. AND THEN pulling out her cash to pay -- one bill and one coin at a time. This was all after she had already basically pushed the lady in front of her (who was in front of me in the first place, before she flounced herself to the front of the line) out of the way. So when she takes TWENTY MINUTES pulling her money out of this huge black patent leather quilted bag (Chanel -$16,000), I mutter 'Jesus!' under my breath, but loud enough for her to hear. Admittedly on purpose. She turns back to me and says, "You got a problem?" I told her yes, I have problem because you're horrible. Then she called me an ass.

I don't mind being called an ass. I get it more often than you might think. Or not. Water off a duck's back. But being called horrible, I think, would cause pause. And not a sissy thing to say at all.

Some people think it's a rather limp-wristed insult (homophobia unintended). I continue to believe otherwise.

Oh God, am I going to get obnoxious comments from the gays, now? Just great.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd be curious to know where I might have written "neo-naziesque additions" to someone else's blog. Just for my own reference.


About Me

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New York, NY, United States
on a quest to expand my horizons
