Saturday, December 13, 2008


So again, I'm a little newsed out. What more can be said about Blogojevich and the economy and the auto bailout, anyway?

Except did you see what Blogojevich's wife said? She was in the background of one of the recorded phone messages screaming at her husband, "Hold up that fucking Cubs shit! Fuck them!" She was referring to the postponement of the sale of Wrigley Field unless money was made in the appointment of the new senator. Don't you just want to eat her up? I bet she's the bomb at PTA (she's the mother of two). "YOU bake the fucking brownies for the bake sale! I have some real estate fucking business to tend fucking to!" She's already under investigation for some shady real estate deals. PS: her family disowned her two years ago and they haven't spoken since. And her family is a bunch of politicians! You gotta be pretty awful if a group of politcians say, 'enough is enough!'

But I can't talk about that right now because I'm watching THE BEST SHOW EVER!! You know that Ultimate Fighting thing where they beat the crap out of each other? As far as I can tell, it's a game where these twenty-somethings take their clothes off and rub on each other until someone rings a bell. Certainly rings MY bell! It's a REALLY good show, except for the kidney punches, which makes me throw up a little bit. I don't know which one I'm rooting for -they're both so hot, err, competitive. (This just in-Efrain Escudero wins! I guess his kidney punches were somehow more impressive. I don't think it was his kidney punches, exclusively.)OK, I'm not that shallow (!). I have been flipping between this and a National Geographic special. About a whale in Taiwan. It died, so they were transporting it on the back of truck through town, and it exploded. No one knows why. Just blew up. Splattered everything up and down the block. Whale guts everywhere. Very interesting. True story.

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New York, NY, United States
on a quest to expand my horizons
